l'Isola dell'Amore

The Po Delta in summer offers beautiful landscapes and innumerable itineraries of great naturalistic interest. This is why we recommend visiting its territories and in particular the Island of Love in Goro.

The Po Delta is an evocative mosaic of canals, lagoons and islands: a labyrinth of waterways to be slowly explored. A magical place where land, water and sky merge on the horizon, perfect for a romantic houseboat tour.

l'Isola dell'Amore

The Island of Love

The Island of Love is located in the town of Goro and in 2007 was listed by Legambiente as one of the 13 best Italian beaches. It is a tongue of sand in which sand dunes are formed and move due to the tides and wind (called scanno). It can only be reached by boat and the best way to visit it is by houseboat.

Once you arrive at the island, you can explore its untouched nature, take long walks on the beach, or simply relax in the sun. Besides to the reeds that form in the inland marshy areas, some typical vegetation grows on the dunes, such as Calichieto and Agripireto.

l'Isola dell'Amore
l'Isola dell'Amore

The island is also an excellent place to watch birds, which find their ideal habitat here. In summer, it is possible to observe many species and a considerable number of birds. The oystercatcher, little tern, flamingo, red heron, stilt-bird and others nest here. Some otters, thought to be extinct in this area, and some sea turtles can also be seen.

On the right bank of the river stands out the Goro Lighthouse, which is located right on the eastern end of the Delta. The lighthouse dates back to 1950, when the “old lantern” from the 1800s was replaced. Renovated in 2021, it now houses a restaurant that serves zero-kilometer seafood cuisine and affords breathtaking views of the Po Delta.

Goro and Gorino

Going on with the navigation we meet Goro and Gorino. Two towns that enjoy a special position: on one side they face the Sacca di Goro with their fishing ports, shaped by nature and sea currents, and on the other the Po di Goro. The best way to know these fishing villages is to forget the hurry and enjoy these places slowly.
Po Delta is a paradise for nature lovers who find in this flat area several itineraries to do by bicycle and by foot.

In this area, right on the border with the sea, we meet the Gran Bosco della Mesola Nature Reserve, populated by the only native Italian species of deer.

In concluion, if you are looking for a romantic and unforgettable experience, the Island of Love with Goro and Gorino are the perfect destination for you. A houseboat trip will give you a unique experience, immersed in nature and the magic of this special place. 


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