Cold season? Don’t worry, all our Housebats have heating

Enjoy the right comfort also in the colder seasons

Houseboat holidays in the low season

Booking a Houseboat holiday in the low seasons has its advantages, for example:
– The prices get lower and the convenience increases
– Days are less sultry and the weather gets mild and pleasant
– Less chaos means a calm and safer navigation
– Possibility to enjoy the heating for the cooler evenings and find the perfect temperature for the night
– More accessible services, like: restaurants, museums, points of interest

The only setback could be the uncertain forecast. You know, you can’t control weather, and especially during the automnal months some days can be colder or rainy.

But don’t worry! We have taken care of everything! 😁

Houseboat in the lagoon family trip

The heating typologies on the Houseboats

Our Houseboats are provided with heating to have the right comfort in all the autumnal weather conditions, and it is different from the one on traditional cars. It works indeed both with the engine running and the engine switched off, so you will be able to plan your holiday without any worries. 😁

The heating on Houseboats can be of two kinds: water-based or air-based.

Water heating

The water heating works thanks to a diesel boiler that heats the water in the coils surrounding the rooms and cabins. The operation is just like that of the radiators of the house. The advantage of this system is the absence of air movement, so it is particularly suitable for those suffering from allergy to dust.

Air Heating

The air heating works through the technology “Webasto”, which is mainly used in the truck cabins or in campers. This system is electrically activated and is powered by diesel fuel providing hot air that will heat all rooms in a short time. As for the diesel boiler, also “Webasto” can be used both with the engine on and with the engine off.

Holiday in houseboat to nail Venice Vigo bridge

Captain, now it’s up to you!

It is finally time to sail in comfort! Take command of your Houseboat! Live this experience without rush; enjoy the landscapes, stop and talk with the people you will meet: they will give you the best advice and your holiday will become  a real journey!

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